1. Because Jesus left His heavenly throne, came down to this fallen earth to die the most humiliating death on the cross for me, and rose again, so I could have life in Him.
2. Because I have the most supportive and encouraging parents who’ve sacrificed so much to bring me up, who’ve had their patience tested many times when I wasn’t as well-behaved as I should’ve been, and who’ve never given up on me in any way.
Dad and Mum, I’m incredibly proud to call you my parents. I’ve learnt a lot from each of you, and I really hope that one day I’ll be a mother like you, and my husband will be a father like you.
3. Because I have the best brother I could ever ask for in the world, without whom I’d be a very different person today.
Justin, if not for your love for me ever since the day I was conceived, I would not know how to love as well as I do now. Of course, my love is far from perfect, but you have probably been the biggest and best influence in my life all these years.
(I know it’s weird, but I cried thinking of who you’ve been to me! All those dodobird girls who aren’t interested in you don’t know what they’re missing in life…)
To any other good, Christian girls out there reading this, my brother is single and available. But you must get through me first! (Just, maybe that’s why you’re still single? All not good enough for you by my standards. HAHAHA.)
4. Because I have the sweetest bestfriend/boyfriend with whom I can share my joy, my struggles, my fears, my desires, everything really, knowing that I’ll still be loved for who I am.
Sam, it feels funny typing this publicly. Hahaha. Thank you for being so supportive of me while I’m here, encouraging me and praying for me without fail. Thank you for always being so understanding, and for loving me the way you do :)
5. Because I have a South African family that loves me enough to make this day so special. Uncle Francois and Aunty Karen Vosloo brought me to a Hong Kong restaurant last night, ordered a personalized baked cheese cake for me, and are bringing me to a concert tonight. Apparently there’s another celebration tomorrow evening with my other South African family, the Snyders (Post-edit: We went to Kung Fu Kitchen. Ya like thanks for re-inforcing the stereotype that Chinese = Kung Fu. But anyway, the food was reasonable and extremely nice. Shiok ttm.)
I mean, seriously? They’ve really gone out of the way to make this day special. When I came, I thought this day would just pass like any other day, but they made sure that didn’t happen.
6. Because I have the most supportive and excited church back at home, praying for me and supporting me financially as I grow and learn and serve in Africa. Without KPC, there’s no way I would’ve been able to afford to coming here and going for training and taking part in outreaches like I’m able to.
7. Because I’m here! In Africa! Hello!? This is like, Africa! NEVER would I have expected to be here. NEVER. But somehow… God placed that desire in my heart, closed the doors to joining the Doulos/Logos Hope, and… Here I am! In a totally different environment, learning and growing.
8. Because I know I can always count on the kias, many of whom I’ve had the privilege to grow up with (siao liao siao liao Mehmeh already getting married next year! I still remember us playing “Ghost” in church while our parents had Bible Study… And then deciding that it wasn’t good to keep shouting, “ghost!” in church, so we changed the game to “monkey”, LOL)
You guys have been a huge blessing to me, and I’m so thankful that I’m able to share my life with you. Serving God together with you has been so special, and it’s just lovely being able to run this race with you guys. Imagine us worshipping God together, in Heaven! KPYouthnited Shakers no business already, there’ll be millions of Shaunkias in Heaven. Hehe.
I won’t name and thank people specifically or the list would never end. But those who’re especially close to me, you know who you are. I appreciate you guys tremendously, and I miss you loads too! I miss the kia nonsense man, seriously. Thank you for praying for me too :)
9. Because I had the awesomest classmates in HSC, who made school life enjoyable. And now we’re not just classmates, but awesome friends – I know it’ll be for life :)
To the Sai Kangs (KJ, KA, Dom, Tehteh, Shermine, Joc, WX):
I’ll never forget playing catching with you guys after school. I really miss that (whatever happened to our plans for block catching/national library hide and seek!?). You guys made my day, every day! There are few (other than Naim) who are so funny 24/7. I feel your love in my lion repellent and in your words of lurvveee in my notebook (which I’ve already finished using!)
To the Darlings (Ah Lau, Amandanaughtyballz, Jollyn-mranne, Lala, Rachelle, Shermine, Jocelyn):
I so totally love being with you guys. It’s always special being with you, and I’m so glad we still meet up often despite half of us being on other continents/planets. Thank you for always being so thoughtful and whacky, and for always taking millions of photos. :P
10. Because I had the whackiest, closest, funniest classmates in MJC, many of whom are my closest friends now.
To the 204 gang (wa this one long liaoz. Muu, Rena, Nana, Shu Ying, Sofiah, Si Hoon, Er Hao, Firfir, TKC my dear evil twin, Lippy, Hizam, Peh Hor, Alvin, Zikri):
Seriously, we don’t have a better name for ourselves!? 204 gang. Zzz… hahaha. You guys… What can I say! We survived 2 years of JC together! Key word – together! I miss your nonsense so much man. In between studying there’d be Bridge, Frisbee, foooooood, naps, “Stories” (ahem lol Rena? =P), Basketball, more Bridge… Thank you for all the good memories… I really can’t think of any bad memories – the bad times became good because you guys were a part of it :) awww… hahaha.
11. Because I’ve learnt more than I’ve ever learnt in my whole life combined while being in Africa. (Okay maybe not, it’s just a figure of speech to show that I’ve really learnt a lot.) Much of what I’ve learnt has changed my attitude towards life and the future and missions and ministry; some of these lessons I’ll share with you in a blog post that’s coming soon.
12. Because I’m healthy and physically able. I can walk. Run. Swim. Play the piano. Roll my eyes. Inhale. Exhale. Blink. Swallow. Chew. Grip. Kneel. Squat. Bend. Lie Down. Without feeling pain or discomfort.
13. Because I have a bed to sleep on. A cupboard for my clothes. And a roof over my head.
In other words, I’m better off than 75% of the world’s population.
14. Because I don’t have to worry about where my next meal is coming from, or whether I will feel cold tonight.
15. Because I know that my life and my future are in God’s hands.
And there is nowhere else that I would rather they be.
16. Because I know where I’m going after I die.
17. Because I have friends, many of whom I haven’t spoken to or seen in years, who bother to wish me Happy Birthday, whether on FB or via sms. I’m amazed, actually, that old friends whom I’ve pretty much lost contact with still care.
18. Because I am loved and cared for, each and every day of my life.
19. Because every day, I have something to be thankful for.
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